- Log into Workday and click on the Benefits & Pay icon at the Home Page or the Menu at the top right corner of the screen.
- Within the Overview section, click the Change Benefits button under Tasks and Reports.
- Change Reason: Select Change HSA Contribution.
Benefit Event Date: Enter TODAY’S DATE.
Click SUBMIT. - In your Workday inbox, select the Change HSA Contribution task and click Let’s Get Started.
- Click Manage on the Health Savings Account (Fidelity) tile. If it’s not already selected, select it and click Confirm and Continue.
- Update your Per Paycheck or Annual Contribution amount and click the Save button at the bottom.
- Click Review and Sign at the bottom.
- Read the Legal Notice, check the I Agree box, and click SUBMIT to finalize.
This request will go to the HR Services team for approval.
Important: Elections can only be approved with an event date within the current pay period.