1. Log into Workday and click on the Benefits & Pay icon at the Home Page or the Menu at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Within the Overview section, click the Change Benefits button under Tasks and Reports.
  3. Change Reason: Select Change HSA Contribution.
    Benefit Event Date: Enter TODAY’S DATE.
    Click SUBMIT.
  4. In your Workday inbox, select the Change HSA Contribution task and click Let’s Get Started.
  5. Click Manage on the Health Savings Account (Fidelity) tile. If it’s not already selected, select it and click Confirm and Continue.
  6. Update your Per Paycheck or Annual Contribution amount and click the Save button at the bottom.
  7. Click Review and Sign at the bottom.
  8. Read the Legal Notice, check the I Agree box, and click SUBMIT to finalize.

This request will go to the HR Services team for approval.

Important: Elections can only be approved with an event date within the current pay period.