Ensign offers a choice of medical plans designed to help you and your family maintain good health and offer protection from the financial burden of a serious illness or injury. Deciding which plans is best for you depends on your specific health care needs, provider preferences, budget and lifestyle. You can select from the options shown below.
When you enroll in the Choice HSA Plan or Kaiser HMO with HSA, you can open a Health Savings Account (HSA) with Fidelity which is funded by you with tax-free dollars. You can use the money in an HSA to help pay eligible health care expenses, including deductibles, copays and coinsurance. Click here for more information about the Health Savings Account.
Medical Plans
This plan exclusively covers you for in-network doctors and facilities and gives you access to Blue High Performance Network (HPN) providers in certain geographic locations based on your zip code. Blue HPN providers are selected based on delivery of quality, affordable care offering savings to Affiliate employees in exchange for a smaller provider network and the lowest paycheck deduction. This plan includes access to the Hinge Health virtual physical therapy program.
Click here for more information about the Value Copay Plan.
You can see both in-network and out-of-network doctors without a referral, but keep in mind staying in-network for care will almost always be cheaper. To help with your share of costs, the plan comes with a Health Savings Account (HSA) that you can contribute to. This plan includes access to the Hinge Health virtual physical therapy program.
Click here for more information about the Choice HSA Plan.
This plan has a lower deductible and exclusively covers you for in-network doctors and facilities. Except in the case of an emergency, you’ll pay the full price for any out-of-network care. This plan includes access to the Hinge Health virtual physical therapy program.
Click here for more information about the Premier EPO Plan.
This medical plan option exclusively covers you for in-network doctors and facilities in southern California, Denver, Colorado, Dallas, Texas, Kansas City, Kansas and Missouri, and Seattle and Spokane, Washington. The plan offers affordable health care with a low deductible, FREE primary care visits and set copays for most other care. Your primary care physician can refer you to high-quality, in-network specialists, ensuring you’ll get the right care at the best price. This plan includes access to the Hinge Health virtual physical therapy program.
Click here for more information about the Centivo PCP Partnership Plan.
You can select this plan if you live in a Kaiser Permanente service area in CA, CO, OR or WA. This plan exclusively covers you when you use Kaiser Permanente doctors and facilities. Except in the case of an emergency, you’ll pay the full price for care you receive from a non-Kaiser doctor or facility. To help with your share of costs, this plan comes with a Health Savings Account (HSA) that you can contribute to.
Click here for more information about the Kaiser HMO with HSA.
You can select this plan if you live in San Diego County, California. This plan exclusively covers you when you access SIMNSA Premier Access HMO providers. The plan covers many health services at 100%. Some services require a small copayment. You are not required to choose a primary care physician to manage your care. Except in the case of an emergency, you’ll pay the full price for care you receive from a non-SIMNSA doctor or facility.
Click here for more information on the SIMNSA Baja CA Premier Access HMO.