The Transportation Benefit Program saves you money on taxes if you commute to and from work using public transportation. Eligible expenses include fares for bus, vanpool, subway, ferry and train. Ridesharing and parking are not eligible expenses. Once you sign up, funds are deducted from your paycheck automatically on a pre-tax basis, lowering your taxable income. For 2025, the maximum pre-tax transit contribution is $325 per month.

The program is administered through HealthEquity. You’ll receive a HealthEquity debit card that you can use to pay providers at the time of service directly from your transit account. If you are enrolled in a Flexible Spending Account, the Transportation benefit will be added to your HealthEquity FSA debit card.

Download a Transportation Benefit Program Flyer.

For questions, contact HealthEquity at 877-924-3967 or visit  You may enroll or cancel coverage any time during the year.