Personify Health (formerly HealthComp) provides a range of care management and health support services.

Early Detection for Better Outcomes

Personify Health’s Cancer Awareness program provides timely reminders of important screenings appropriate for your age and gender, helping to catch potential issues early. Early detection leads to better outcomes, and they are committed to keeping you well informed and empowering you to prioritize your health.

Download a Personify Health Cancer Awareness Flyer.

Elevate Your Healthcare Experience

At Personify Health, their compassionate team of healthcare professionals are here to support you in managing your health effectively. Whether you’re in need of acute care, facing cancer, navigating a high-risk pregnancy, or dealing with complex conditions like kidney disease and transplants, they have your back.

Count on them to provide the support you need through:

  • Personalized Care Coordination: Tailored assistance to help you manage your healthcare needs effectively.
  • Discharge Planning: Ensuring a smooth transition from hospital to home or another care setting.
  • Follow-Up Support: Continued engagement to monitor your health and address any concerns.

With Personify Health’s Case Management services, you can take control of your health with confidence, knowing that you have a dedicated team to support you every step of the way. Download a Personify Health Case Management Flyer.

Ongoing Support for Long-Term Conditions

Personify Health specializes in helping you improve your overall health. Their team of clinicians will work with you to identify gaps in your care and offer advice on how to make positive changes.

From reminding you about important screenings, labs, and medications to providing a quarterly newsletter full of helpful exercise and nutrition tips, they are committed to supporting your wellbeing every step of the way.

Download a Personify Health Chronic Disease Flyer.

You may be eligible to receive a $250 gift card from Amazon! Please speak with your Nurturing Together Nurse for details.

(NOTE: You must actively participate in the Nurturing Together Program with your maternity nurse at least five times before the 32nd week of your pregnancy.)

Personify Health has partnered with your employer to offer FREE access to the Nurturing Together Service. During pregnancy, we sometimes need someone to turn to for advice and information.

The Nurturing Together Program provides you with access to prenatal nurses and their expertise in the care of parents and newborn babies. Your prenatal nurse remains available to you throughout your pregnancy and six weeks postpartum to assist you in obtaining the information and care you need, including:

  • Pregnancy & Newborn Baby Care
  • Support for Pregnancy-Related Issues (nausea, vomiting, diabetes, high blood pressure)
  • Finding Network Providers (Obstetrician and/or Pediatrician)
  • General Parent Health Topics
  • Community Resource Referrals
  • Obtaining a Breast Pump
  • Lactation Consultant Support

By providing this program at no cost to you, your employer has taken the first step in helping you to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. The next step is yours.

To get the most benefit from the Nurturing Together Program, please contact them as early as possible in your pregnancy or if you are thinking about pregnancy in the near future.

Contact: 1.800.442.7247 Ext. 2419


Disclaimer: All Nurturing Together program materials and information are intended to provide education only and are not a recommendation for treatment. Nurturing Together services are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Please discuss any concerns or changes you may want to make in your healthcare with your doctor.